[新しく発言をつくる] [EXIT] [新!各種無線機改造情報掲示板]

  FT-747の送信改造方法を教えて下さい。 カクベー 2001/04/04 11:39:39 
  ディスプレー裏側の茶色配線カット FT-747GX 2001/04/06 23:51:53 
  GeneralcoveragemodsforFT-747GX LIMITED 2001/04/07 00:04:39 
Re: FT-747の送信改造方法を教えて下さい。 [返事を書く]
General coverage mods for FT-747GX

Remove top cover like explained in your OPERATING MANUAL.
On backside of display unit there is a brown jumper wire near the large ribbon cable.
Cut this jumper wire.
Turn radio on and set display for 12.345.6 and then turn radio off and then back on.
This enables the general coverage mode and a GEN display will appears on at the top of the LCD display.
Reassemble the unit. It will now transmit between 1.5 and 30 MHZ
LIMITED 2001/04/07 00:04:39
  おはようございます。 148 2001/04/07 11:17:13 

[新!各種無線機改造情報掲示板] [EXIT]