[新しく発言をつくる] [EXIT] [「新」・CB無線・パーソナル無線・アマチュア無線・各種無線機改造情報・その他雑談掲示板]

  http://www.mods.dk/ mmb 2004/08/19 06:07:20 
  あらあら!本当だ! 携帯屋 2004/08/19 09:47:06 
   └FoundthisonaGermanhamnewsgroup(translati... あれれ 2004/08/19 13:36:14 
Re: あらあら!本当だ! [返事を書く]
Found this on a German ham newsgroup (translation follows):

"Eric Hansen, the site owner of www.mods.dk, wishes to advise that he is currently having problems with his provider. However, he will do his best to get the site back on-line, or to change providers if need be. Please check the site again in a couple of days."

あれれ 2004/08/19 13:36:14
    └いっこうに復活しませんね? C520 2004/08/21 12:57:27 
     └無事、復帰しました。 YECOM 2004/08/24 21:23:44 
      └よかったですね。 mmb 2004/08/24 21:48:19 

[「新」・CB無線・パーソナル無線・アマチュア無線・各種無線機改造情報・その他雑談掲示板] [EXIT]